Cub Scout Pack 566
Saratoga, Cupertino, and surrounding areas California
Over 40 Years of Excellence in Scouting
Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 566
Boys and Girls, Grades K-5 (566 has older programs through age 21)
This is our backup website.
Unfortunately, our Webhosting company, Scoutlander can get overwelmed espeically at the end or begining of the school year.
Normally we are at pack566.org or join566.org
Pack 566 Join Page
Congratulations if you are here your are ready to start your Adventure with Pack 566
Make sure you have seen our 2 page Flyer where we explain our program
You can also check links in the left margin to explore our website
OK you seem ready to go so start by downloading our Joining Checklist to walk you through the steps.
You will pay the Pack portion of fees ($8 per remaining month this year) to Pack 566 per the directions.
Mr. L will get you assigned to a den, make dates known, set up communications and give you credentials to the members site.
Welecome to Pack 566 !!!
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