BSA Pack/Troop/Crew 566 Website Launch Page

Saratoga / Cupertino and surrounding San Jose / Los Gatos areas, California - USA

Boy Scouts of America:

Cub Scout Pack - Boys and Girls Kindergarten to Fifth Grade

BSA Scout Troop 566 (Boys and Girls Units) - End of Fifth to Age 18

Venture Crew (Co-ed) - Age 14 to 21

This is our backup website when primary is down
Primary Pack Website
(Try this to see if real website is up!)
Else press link below to continue to our backup site.
Girls Troop Website Boys Troop Website Crew-Contact Troop
Pack 566 Backup Website
Pack Join Flyer Fall 2024
Pack Costs
Checklist to Join Pack 566
Create Account, Application, Pay National Fees
P566 BSA Medical Form
P566 Family Info Form
Take Youth Protection Training
(Login, Click Youth Protection Circle)

P566 Adult Joining Checklist

Contact Mike and Teresa Lorenzen at: .
Contact the webmaster at: